28 February 2006

iron is rutira

rutira = iron (metal) (noun) (some things Google found for "rutira": a rare term; a word on pages mainly about computers and Linux from Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Word derivation for "iron" :
Basque = burdina, Finnish = rauta
Miresua = rutira

This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for iron is now raduna.

26 February 2006

silver is lohia

lohia = silver (metal and color) (noun and adjective) (some things Google found for "lohia": an uncommon term; a last name, notably Rammanohar Lohia, an influential Indian socialist leader; an Indian first name; Lohia Maidan is a place in Margao; Lohia Group is a manufacturer, exporter, and supplier from India; means "chief" in Motu, a language of Papua New Guinea; a place in Indonesia)

Word derivation for "silver" :
Basque = zilar, Finnish = hopea
Miresua = lohia

This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for silver is now holar.

23 February 2006

green is irebä

irebä = green (color) (adjective) (some things Google found for "irebä": a rare term; IREBA stands for Independent Real Estate Brokers Association, Inc.; anime, song Kimi Sae Ireba from anime Love Hina; Aisuru Kimiga Sobani Ireba is a import CD title from Japan; IREBA Properties of USA, Argentina, Costa Rica, España)

Word derivation for "green" :
Basque = berde, Finnish = vihreä
Miresua = irebä

This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for green is now bereä.

21 February 2006

black is melza

melza = black (color) (adjective) (some things Google found for "melza": (a rare term; user name; Wisermiser De Melza has a dance music CD; a first name; La Melza is a last name; Bocca di Melza is a place, a mountain perhaps, on Corsica)

Word derivation for "black" :
Basque = beltz, Finnish = musta
Miresua = melza

This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for black is now metza.

20 February 2006

red is ginrua

ginrua = red (color) (adjective) (some things Google found for "ginrua": a very rare term; name of a female greyhound born in Australia)

Word derivation for "red" :
Basque = gorri, Finnish = punainen
Miresua = ginrua

This Miresua word has been changed. The word for red is now gorun.

18 February 2006

white is zelki

zelki = white (color) (adjective) (some things Google found for "zelki"; an uncommon term; Zelki and Zelki Dabrowe are places in Poland; a last name, can be Hungarian, notably actor Zelki János; Zelki Real Estate Sales and Rentals of Manhattan; user name; Traditional Zelki pattern Bulgarian Kilim Rugs)

Word derivation for "white" :
Basque = zuri, Finnish = valkoinen
Miresua = zelki

This Miresua word has been changed. The word for white is now zulko.