30 May 2008

window is naihe

naihe = window (noun) (some things Google found for "naihe": an uncommon term; a last name that can be Hawaiian, notably surfer Kealamakia Naihe; Wenzhou NaiHe Industry Co.,Ltd is a Chinese company that makes synthetic leather and zippers)

Word derivation for "window" :
Basque = leiho, Finnish = ikkuna
Miresua = naihe

The Basque and Finnish words for window are quite dissimilar, and neither resembles the Latin word for window which is fenestra.

This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for window is now ileku.

26 May 2008

school is keulo

keulokeulo = school (noun) (some things Google found for "keulo": an uncommon to rare term; user names; name of a Senegalese music album by Pape Kanouté; an unusual last name that may be Slovenian)

Word derivation for "school" :
Basque = eskola, Finnish = koulu
Miresua = keulo

This Miresua word looks more like the Finnish word, but it's an even mix of letters. I was trying to avoid having the Miresua word look too much like the Basque word, because that looks like the Latin word for "school" which is "schola".

22 May 2008

war is gorta

gortagorta = war (noun) (some things Google found for "gorta": an uncommon term; Gorta is an Irish charity in the fight to stop hunger; An Gorta Mór is the Irish Gaelic name for the Great Irish Famine or The Great Hunger; a last name; user name; name of a Doperian Star Trek TNG character; means "famine" in Gaelic; means "boast, brag, bravado" in Icelandic)

Word derivation for "war" :
Basque = gerra, Finnish = sota
Miresua = gorta

The Basque word for "war" is similar to the Spanish word for "war" which is "guerra". I think it sort of fitting that my created Miresua word for "war" means "famine" in a real language, and "bravado" in another.

18 May 2008

book is bikura

bikura = book (noun) (some things Google found for "bikura": an uncommon to rare term; the Israel Science Foundation has Bikura grants and fellowships; in the science fiction book Hyperion by Dan Simmons (good book!) the Bikura are an ancient people infected by parasites called cruciforms; a Hebrew feminine first name meaning "firstborn daughter"; user names)

Word derivation for "book" :
Basque = liburu, Finnish = kirja
Miresua = bikura

I mixed the Basque and Finnish words for "book" and came out with a word with some similarity to English. I speak English, so I guess that happens. I like that one of the meanings I found for "bikura" is from a book I've read and enjoyed.

This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for book is now lirju.

14 May 2008

son is pame

pamepame = son (noun) (some things Google found for "pame": a common term; an indigenous Oto-Manguean language of Mexico; PAME stands for Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment; a last name; PAME program in Norway stands for Polar Aquatic Microbial Ecology; seems to mean "we go" in Greek (transliterated); PAME Construction of Pennsylvania; PAME stands for Petroleum and Mining Engineering; user name; places in Senegal, Ghana and Mozambique)

Word derivation for "son" :
Basque = seme, Finnish = poika
Miresua = pame

This word is intentionally somewhat similar to my Miresua conlang word for "boy" which is "pimal". In Finnish the word for "son" is the same as the word for "boy".

10 May 2008

daughter is ätyla

ätyla = daughter (noun) (some things Google found for "atyla": an uncommon term; a user name; part of the name of several different breeds of show dogs; probaby a variation of the name Attila which is a common Hungarian name; a modern recurve "Mongol" bow weapon; Hotel Atyla in Córdoba, Argentina)

Word derivation for "daughter" :
Basque = alaba, Finnish = tytär
Miresua = ätyla

This word is intentionally somewhat similar to my Miresua conlang word for "girl" which is "tynsa".

This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for daughter is now tabar.

06 May 2008

rat is aroti

aroti = rat (animal) (noun) (some things Google found for "aroti": an uncommon term: a feminine first name, notably social worker from India Aroti Dutt (1924-2003); misspelling or alternative spelling of arati or aarti which is a Hindu ritual ceremony)

Word derivation for "rat" :
Basque = arratoi, Finnish = rotta
Miresua = aroti

With this Miresua word I think of the English words "rotten" and "rodent"; not the similar sounding word "erotic". Rats are not erotic.

This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for rat is now rato.

02 May 2008

stick is pelka

pelka = stick (baton, cane) (noun) (some things Google found for "pelka": an uncommon term; a last name, notably UK actor Valentine Pelka and his sister actress Kazia Pelka; places in Germany and Greece)

Word derivation for "stick (baton, cane)" :
Basque = makila, Finnish = keppi
Miresua = pelka

This Miresua conlang word has been changed. The word for stick is now kalpi.